Mr. Jou has been working at Taiwan Textile Research Institute (TTRI) over 31 years, and his main interests are in the development of textile technology and testing. He is currently leading a 4-year TDP (Technology Development Program) funded by DoIT, MOEA. The aims of the program are to set up an evaluation technology on smart functional textiles, and to establish a transparent and traceable system on recycled and sustainable textiles. In addition, Mr. Jou has helped TTRI become a member of SAC (Sustainable Apparel Coalition)in 2018, promoting Higg Index. In 2019, Mr. Jou joined the effort to support European Outdoor Group in microfiber shedding research work, facilitating TTRI to become a research member of TMC (The Microfiber Consortium). Currently, Mr. Jou is working on ZDHC program, aiming to bring TTRI into international community to play a part in reducing the hazardous chemicals in textile industry in Taiwan.